Saguaro Slims King Size papers by Growers Club
Saguaro Slims | King Size papers Growers Club | Where:
The folks at Growers Club have some of the best papers available hands down. I don’t normally use king size papers but the Saguaro Slims by Growers Club had me rolling some of the best joints I’ve ever rolled. These papers are different as they don’t easily fold when adding my material like I’ve experienced with other brands. I never have to worry about the seal being folded over or stuck on itself. The overall care and pride of this product sets itself apart from anything else in your local smoke shop. Tell them to stock Growers CLub or do your shopping at! By Adrian Ryan – @drogado_del_gato.
For all Cactus Approved, click here.

Adrian Ryan was born in New Mexico and attended school since elementary in Arizona, his time growing up split between the two states. He hopes to work towards recreational cannabis, enjoys reading, writing, film, music, and also writing music.
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