Electric Grinder by Wakit Grinders
Electric Grinder | $59.99 Wakit Grinders | Wakitgrinders.com
Wakit! Think fast, easy, and fun. That’s what the Wakit is. Ok, well it’s more than that, it’s an herb grinder as well. This super cool grinder is super easy to use. Whether you’re grinding a little or a lot, whether you’re able bodied or not, this grinder is great! My wife has R.A. and loves this grinder, as a traditional grinder hurts her hands. Oh, and did I mention it’s rechargeable? A micro USB charger comes in the box. It’s definitely an amazing grinder. NMBeardedMan Approved. By Shane Stanford – @_NM_Bearded_Man.
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Shane Stanford is a dank dad living in New Mexico. Read more of his articles and follow him on Instagram @NMBeardedMan