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Goober Gabe | Interview

Dietrich Dash

You’re a local legend here in AZ. Where are you from originally?

Ah I appreciate that! Born and raised here in Phoenix.

What were some of your favorite tv shows growing up as a kid?

Growing up I watched a lot of cartoons. Recess, Pinky and the Brain, Doug, Pokémon. I didn’t have cable so anything on the regular 10 channels.

What music are you influenced by?

So much. Both of my parents are from Detroit so I grew up with an array of Motown, Classic Rock, Jazz, and Oldies. From there I found my own passion in Roots Reggae and Hip Hop.


How did you get into glassblowing? What were some of your inspirations for wanting to blow glass?

I worked at Sky High Smoke Shop and gallery for many years, and asked some local pipe makers we would purchase glass from if I could sweep, clean the bathrooms etc. for the ability to watch and work at their studio. After a couple of months I bought a very small torch and set up in my backyard to practice on my own.

You’re into zombies, peace, love, and skateboarding culture – why are these things so important to you?

Skateboarding has been a part of my life since elementary school. It really helped me discover my individuality, and self confidence.

You also seem to be an avid skateboarder. Why skateboarding? What does it symbolize and represent to you?

It’s freedom. Up until skating I had always been on team sports or part of something bigger than myself. I found passion and individuality all in one. It represents the ability to fail. You have to fail over and over to succeed. That’s the essence of life.

What does the process look like when you’re designing an idea to create?

I rarely draw things out. It’s mostly a spark for an idea, and letting the idea take itself on a ride.


How often do you blow glass?

Every day. I’ve actually had to work at giving myself days off. It becomes more than work. It’s an addiction.

The AZ community seems to be a fan of your work. How does the AZ MMJ community inspire you? Do patients and collectors help you create?

This community means a lot to me. The local collectors and MMJ community have shown me so much love since day one. I cannot express my gratitude enough for the years of love. It’s given me the platform to be able to keep creating. Without this scene, I wouldn’t have been able to grow.

How much time does it take for you to create a piece? Does this vary from piece to piece you create?

I have so many variations it’s hard to say. The more intricate, the more time it takes. Anywhere from an hour or two, to a whole day or preparing and assembling.

Who are some of your glassblowing idols?

So many., Darby, Salt, Jag, Pakoh, Slinger, Banjo, the legend keep coming.

How can people follow you on social media, if they’re not already?

Any advice for aspiring glassblowers?

Start small, take a class, find out if it’s for you. It’s no walk in the park, but the journey is a beautiful one!



Dietrich Dash is a local to Arizona, born in September of nineteen eighty-eight, in the town of Scottsdale. He enjoys listening to the Rolling Stones, Queens of the Stone Age, Kendrick Lamar, and Eminem. In his free time, you can see him at local bookstores, hiking or hanging out in public areas with his chihuahua mix and pugs. He also frequents dispensaries across the valley in search of what the valley has to offer medicinally.



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