Conscious Concentrates
Within cannabis, what exactly does a concentrate mean? “Concentrates” are pretty cool. Here’s the breakdown in layman’s terms. A concentrate is made from the flower of cannabis. In other words, the THC, CBD, and all other medicinal properties within the cannabis flower are concentrated together, creating a super-mega potent version of the original cannabis flower. Pretty cool? Yeah- I say pretty cool! Arizona is home to many great local concentrate companies who bring amazing products to the dispensaries we find ourselves within as patients.
If we’re talking America, Arizona brings a great many vendors with great concentrates. All of the labels mentioned in The Cannabis Cactus are excellent choices, no matter what mood or time of day it is. In this article, we will take a closer look at three specific brands. High Grade, Drip Oils, & Grow Sciences. What makes these companies sizzle and soar? It’s their medicinal zest. That’s what it is, folks. All the companies mentioned within this magazine bring this to the table. And more important than anything, as a Prop 203 patient, their contribution to our medical needs really makes a difference to us patients.

AMF OG | High Grade
High Grade brings flavor like Charlie in the Chocolate Factory: they got flavors! High Grade gets down to the specifics in science. They bring the prop 203 patients a product free from pesticides and properly blasted. If you want variety then look no further. High Grade has batter, butter, shatter, THCA, sauce, crumble, and more. I enjoy this company on a personal level for the benefits they create within the community. Proceeds on some of the events I’ve attended have gone to aiding cancer patients, and children who have suffered physically from other health illnesses.

Ice Cream Cake Batter | Drip Oils & Extracts
Drip Oils has an amazing name backing amazing products concentrate-wise. They have different levels or tiers. All levels and tiers bring a quality product to the patient. The higher the tier the higher the medicine may take you, so be warned. Bronze, Gold, Platinum and Diamond tiers exist within the Drip Oils company. They also have a variety of shatters, batters, crumbles, and sauces. I’m a personal fan of the Gold Tier batter Do-Si-Dos. I think the flavor and terpenes are great indicators of a good concentrate and Do-Si-Dos batter has both.

GMO Cookies | Grow Sciences
And last but never least is Grow Sciences. The Grow Sciences team is doing big things, more than I can even keep track of. Not only do they have reserve appreciation boxes filled with flower and concentrate, they bring an atmosphere to the dispensaries they live in that no other company can match. They have a cool logo and the colors are as cool as the logo. The product is by far subliminal to any patient who tries either flower or concentrate. But something about the concentrate team, something great and mysterious lives with this crew, bringing them to mind in this quick foray of facts.
You can find these brands all over Arizona. I know for a fact Drip Oils is home to Tru|Med in central Phoenix. Grow Sciences can be found at Health 4 Life and Sky Dispensaries among many others throughout the valley. Also make sure to check both locations of The Mint dispensaries. They carry the full lineup of all three brands, including their own house brand, WTF.
If you are questioning what to pick up the next time you roll through your local medical dispensaries, give these brands a thought. Maybe take a look at the product and ask your bud tender for more information on the same and what deals they have during month to month check-ins. It truly is a wonderful life to have such great selections on retail shelves.