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Stars & Strains: Gemini – June 2019

Cannabis Cactus

Aries, Active

Gorgon, Urban Greenhouse

How active can you be? That’s the question to be asking. The art of using cannabis and relaxing is one you have mastered. Now you can focus on working hard and smart because this combination will serve you and take your earning skills to the next level. Money will not make you happy but you already know how to be happy. Just remind yourself of the simple things. Stay grounded during this time of prosperity!

Taurus, Change

Faith, Urban Greenhouse

There are new cannabis products available and now is a great time to try them. If you have been consuming cannabis the same way for years, try to break out and try something new. If you’re a pipe smoker, try a joint. joint smokers, a pipe. You’ll be surprised about the things you’ve yet to learn about cannabis.

Gemini, Reward

Wedding Cake, Mohave Cannabis

Do not worry about what people think or might possibly think of you. Give yourself more credit for the hard work that you do and reward yourself with the finest flower or concentrates this month. Accordingly, treat yourself in all areas where it benefits your body and mind. Spending a bit extra on staples like cannabis and food will renew you in many ways. Treat yourself!

Cancer, Patience

Lava Cake, Aeriz

Having patience during tough times at work or in relationships goes a long way right now! Instead of dwelling on the things that confuse you, spark up a fat joint, dose some edibles and give your mysteries to the universe. Worry less about finding closure for dumb things in the past. Worry more about whether to have a joint or a dab. Actually, have both!

Leo, Energy

Cherry Punch, Nirvana Center

Your energy is good for bringing people together. Sometimes it’s easy to stand alone but you are so much more effective as part of a tight group. Friends are waiting for your invite so don’t be afraid to be the organizer of fun events. Not everyone has the bursting sativa energy that you are lucky to have plenty of. Use this energy to rally the troops!

Virgo, Listen

Lemonhead OG, Urban Greenhouse

Use cannabis in your routine in the form relaxing products like balms and salves. It’s great that you are trying to live a healthier lifestyle and pampering your body is a great way to do that. Focus on communication with yourself and your friends. Listening to your friends will make you a valuable resource and by listening to your own body you will know what it needs to feel great and stay strong.  

Libra, Relax

Snoop Dream, Nirvana Center

Do not worry about pressure from work or finances. Work as hard as you can, but eep yourself relaxed and focused on the things that matter most. Dose some edibles with some friends and take some time to forget about your responsibilities. Relaxation is still important even when it seems like there’s not enough time.

Scorpio, Truth

Citradelic Sunset, Copperstate Farms

It’s easy to think that others are doing better or smoking better than you are. The truth is that you are doing great and you are right where you are supposed to be. Keep up the good work, your sativa energy will keep you going until the new moon. Raise your head, smoke that joint and be the best stoner you can be!

Sagittarius, Move

Royal Highness, Mohave Cannabis

This is a great time to do more than you did yesterday. We all have to start somewhere just like you did with cannabis. Try doing an exercise before each time you use cannabis. Maybe ten pushups before a bong hit and then walking outside for thirty minutes once you get high. There is no bad time to exercise and cannabis is a great reward for your efforts after a gym visit. 

Capricorn, Enrich

Fam 95, Zonka Flower

You have been working your butt off all year. Remember to take more time for yourself than just a quick cannabis smoke break. Cannabis is great for taking the edge off and pairing it with other healthy activities makes it so much better for your well being. Roll a couple joints and try a fitness program to avoid stress during these hard working times. It’s important to put effort into relaxing.

Aquarius, Feeling

Amsterdam, Nature’s Medicine

Who cares what anyone thinks of you. If you are not getting the attention that you feel you deserve, move onto the next experience. Do not hang around in relationships where you don’t belong. Cannabis will stay by your side and you will meet lots of new people in your journeys. Let the universe surprise you once in a while.

Pisces, Believe

Goji OG, Territory Dispensary

There is a great energy here in the desert air and this summer is all about positivity and engaging new experiences. The universe will surprise you sometimes just like the changes in weather. Just keep believing in where you are headed and enjoy this nice weather on the way there. Stay cool like a cactus and you will survive through many things.


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