Daltonian Glass
Where are you from?
Born in Tempe, I’ve grown to find Chandler as my home for now. I’m not sure where the world may take me! I enjoy traveling & networking with like-minded entrepreneurs and see what may happen naturally.
How were you introduced to glassblowing?
I was introduced to glassblowing by a childish dream that took place years ago, I was maybe 12 or 13. As time progressed, I had forgotten my interest as I was focused on school and video games haha. Throughout the years, I found a love for something like none-other… cannabis. This love turned to passion, which drove me into the industry just after turning 21. After feeling more & more at home in the cannabis community (legal weed rocks), I found that my appreciation for artwork seemed to be much more vibrant than before. I reached out to an artist that I had been following on IG for a bit and got my first piece. While wearing my piece throughout my normal shifts on the dispensary sales floor, a large portion of the patients I served asked about the piece or expressed some sort of interest in it. After that, I began collecting all of the tools I needed to really let my passion flow, now realizing the two things I love most work so well together.

First custom Cannnabis Cactus Glass Piece | @daltonianglass
What keeps you motivated to be creative?
A lot of things motivate me to be creative. Simply put, one reason could be that I love glass and working with it. The passion has motivation in itself! What really strikes the heart is the reaction that some of my work may get when I share it with the people. There’s so much to learn with glass, it seems like it’s an entire universe that I can fall into happily. A place where time doesn’t seem quite as relevant.
What do you like about the Arizona glass scene?
So far, I like all of it! I’m relatively new to the “scene” as I’ve gotten a little over 11 months on the torch overall, so there’s a lot I haven’t been a part of. It’s really fun to see the passion in the eyes of collectors & whoever else may see what I’ve made. It’s always really cool to see other Arizonan glass artists, a favorite local of mine lately has been Upgrade Glass. His shamans opened my mind to so many more possibilities and future ideas!
What is one thing that people don’t know about you?
I’m not sure! I like to be transparent throughout life.
What is your favorite way to use cannabis?
Haha, edibles & flower! Specifically old-school flower infused edibles, these distillate edibles don’t do it! High quality cannabis has no limitations.
Where can people find your work?
Currently, my work is found through @TheHeadyCooperative’s online Instagram gallery and TheHeadyCooperative.com
I’m talking to a few friends and there may be an expansion of where my work can be found in the near future 🙃
Thank you so much for making the first Cannabis Cactus glass piece ever! We love it so much!
Thank you for making a radical magazine! The people love it 💧
