Cannabis Cinnamon Oranges | Cannabis Recipe
Many of us think of fruit as a food eaten with the hand. In my home country of Spain, it is common to be served a piece of fruit with a fork and knife, usually with olive oil on top. These seasoned oranges are as simple as it gets, but they’ll hold their own in a refined restaurant. The citrus and cinnamon are a tasty and terpy combination. If you wanna really get spanish, try added some smoked paprika too. Next time you prepare a nice meal at home for someone special, serve them this for dessert with a glass of red wine. Trust me. For this recipe, use the best oranges you can find, the juicier the better, and if they are a little bit acidic, perfection. It shouldn’t be necessary, but you can add a bit of sugar. I never do.
An orange • Olive Oil *infused if you want • Cinnamon • Pimentón Picante (spicy smoked paprika)
Peel the orange as usual, trying not to lose any juice. With a sharp knife, cut the orange into thin slices and lay out on a plate so that they don’t overlap each other. Drizzle olive oil and liberally sprinkle cinnamon over the oranges. Enjoy!

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